Monday, February 14, 2011


So I've been sick for the past week. While spending the weekend at home, I finally went to the doctor, who after looking up my nose and saying "EUGH!" informed me that I have a sinus infection and two ear infections.


She then prescribed me some heavy duty medications, and told me I should take monday off. So I somewhat took her advice (which is how I take all advice from doctors) and stayed at home that night, planning to skip my German class the next morning.

So I woke up this morning, popped in some of the prescribed steroid pills and hit the road.

Now I rarely take medicine. Hell, I drink caffeine so infrequently that when I do it keeps me up for hours, so the steroids were intense. I'd get really hyped up, and then, out of the blue, I'd get really tired.

This complicated things while driving back to school, alone, holding the sterling wheel with one hand, blowing my nose with the other, and dodging trucks left and right.

I don't know why there were so many trucks on the road today, but there seems to be something about the middle of the day, that makes truck drivers drive like maniacs. I felt like Frogger. One truck kept trying to pass me, would get stuck behind someone else, and then start swerving around me again. Later, I kept getting stuck behind two trucks that were carrying, what I assumed was coal, blocking the road for anyone to pass. Another thought it was appropriate to go 25 miles over the speed-limit (60) to get around me before we both stopped at a red light.

I made it back to school safely at least. Though I'm still on steroids, antibiotics, and have a bottle of codeine cough syrup to take before I go to bed.

I must have luck on my side. Lets hope it continues and I actually wake up tomorrow morning.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Party for new members

For out debating society we have a semester in which newly added member need to fill a number of requirements to become a regular member of the society.

Don't worry, it isn't hazing. But still it can be rough. You have a number of requirements to fill, including the presentation which every new member must give and pass to become a regular member at the end of the semester.

Anyway, today was our new member party. Me being on the Ways and Means Committee, had to help organize this festive event today. Which was kind of exciting for me because it is the first time I bought a Keg by myself.

It feels like a right of passage.

Though I better be reimbursed. Just saying. Its bad enough I had to put the deposit on the tap under my name, on my credit card (which my parents pay for). But, anyway, I'm writing this drunk so it might not make that much sense. Thought as I walked back I realized that I didn't have my key.


I never forget my key this late.

So I called my roommate. No answer. Then I call him about 3 more times. Anytime he a phone rings whiles he's trying to sleep he gets all pissy, thought usually its his phone, and then after he gets mad at me, he feels guilty and mumbles sorry before going back to sleep.

But he ignored my calls tonight.


So I ended up walking around our building and banging on our window with my Gatorade bottle (because I'm a responsible drunk, ELECTROLYTES!!!) screaming his name, and finally, he did respond, and I got in.

Thats what you get for ignoring me.

Open the damn door. I'd do it for you!


I just had lunch with a bunch of my friends in a restaurant with lots of crooked posters of european tourist traps. I pointed out how all the posters were crooked (because Im a OCD and that drives me crazy) and that lead to a discussion about the actual places in the posters.

Hilarity ensued.

The three of us tried to figure out what "Switzerland" was in Swish german. Then one of my friends saw it on the poster,"Schweiz" which is pronounced "Shveyes." My friend, however, who's only foreign language experience is almost being forced into an arranged marriage in Brazilian Portuguese, pronounced it "swez." Which sounds like something you do in the bathroom after drinking to much Kool-aid.
He needs to Swez

Being in our early twenties, but still having the humor of elementary school children we immediately broke down laughing. Then we kept making jokes about it for about 15 more minutes, each more hilarious than the first.

We even added hand-motions.

Sometimes its good to laugh at "potty" jokes. They really take you back. But who am I kidding? We're in College, were pretty much still a bunch of kids.

Haha, Swez.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Wow, I realized that this blog has just turned into a forum for me to complain about my roommate. And since I'm the only one who EVER bitches about their roommate I'm not sure why I have maintained such a high viewer rate. Though it probably has something to do with, you know, my amazing wit and charm. . .


So to break things up a little bit and to kill time for me to write some interesting non-roommate posts (they're coming I swear!) Here is Third-eye blind's Semi-Charmed Kind of Life.

I made it SOO big to illustrate what an amazing song it is. It has nothing to do with me not being able to remember how to embed a video on blogger so that it actually fits.

Something smells fishy, ok maybe it just smells like a fart

My roommate farts a lot.

Usually he only does it when he's alone in the room. I know this because I always brace myself before I enter the room like I'm defusing a bomb that might go off at any minute.

But tonight, maybe its because he's having a laid back conversation with me and the suitemate (albeit awkwardly) he was apparently so excited he didn't feel like containing himself.

I'm sitting here trying to keep composure, while trying to forget about the smell. Granted, writing a blog post about it doesn't keep my mind off the smell, but venting about it makes me feel better.

Ha, venting.

I wish.

UPDATE: Roommate leaves to go get laundry. Suit-mate moves over to take his seat. "EUGH! Why is this so warm?!?" I probably should have warned him.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Hydration on

So I just spent the first weekend night of the semester without going out. My roommate on the other hand spent is first weekend night of the semester out of the apartment. AND past his early bed time!!!

The Universe is trippin'

I realized today —with an upcoming hell week staring me back in the face — that maybe going out Tuesday, Thursday and Friday wasn't the best idea. Of course it's not that I regret going out, or that I wouldn't do it again if I had a chance, but again, not the best idea.

I'll be fine with my work, as I always am, so that's not a problem. I just had to spend most of my night catching up with readings etc.

My roommate on the other hand —after doing extra Accounting exercises— decided to go out because, being bid night, he knew someone who new someone who could get him into a party.

Apparently not a very hard feat on bid night.

He came back in a smiley fashion to brag about his exploits.

"I ended up going to FIVE frat parties tonight!"

"Impressive" I reply as I try to continue enjoying my night cheese

Nothing says going hard like switching between 5 different parties in a two hour span.

It takes a great deal of timing to be able to wait in line, get a beer, drink it, and then go to the next party.

I'm surprised he could stand.

(If you haven't taken notice yet *hint read the above* I love sarcastic humor)

My semi-buzzed but "stumbling" roommate then proceeded to use some outdate 90's catch phrases, and told me that it was time "to get his hydration on"

I kid you not.

He fills up his glass, drinks it, then goes into our room, closes the door for a few minutes, and then comes back out to do the process again. And again. . . and again.

. . . and again.

I'm glad he knows to drink water after "drinking" but a light buzz does not necessitate 5 full glasses of water before going to bed. It was kind of endearing though. Like watching the bird in a cuckoo clock come out its little door to chirp at every hour. . . except over and over again in rapid secession.

Hydration off.

Do SOMETHING interesting

It's Friday night. I just got back from being out. My roommate is asleep.

This wouldn't be annoying if this happened occasionally, but my roommate is ALWAYS asleep before I get home. Now, I know he doesn't have much to do, or many people to do it with. He's always desperate to do anything with anyone. I can understand this, I did this a lot my freshman year, but that does not mean that you have to go to bed early.

Watch TV, find a movie on netflix, play a videogame, I don't care. Do SOMETHING other than going to bed.

He goes to bed at the same time he does during the week. Find something more interesting to do! It's depressing. A week of school is more interesting for him than a weekend.

I remember one of the first weekends back. I helped him get into a frat party. We got booze. I leave him for as second to go meet two chicks. One for me and one for him (I choose the cuter one of course) I turn back around.

He's gone.

That was probably the most exciting weekend the poor awkward kid has had this year.

I'm glad I always have something to do and someone to do it with on Fridays, and if I had enough of that, at least I can watch Netflix. This "go to bed at 11" thing is really depressing.