Thursday, February 10, 2011


I just had lunch with a bunch of my friends in a restaurant with lots of crooked posters of european tourist traps. I pointed out how all the posters were crooked (because Im a OCD and that drives me crazy) and that lead to a discussion about the actual places in the posters.

Hilarity ensued.

The three of us tried to figure out what "Switzerland" was in Swish german. Then one of my friends saw it on the poster,"Schweiz" which is pronounced "Shveyes." My friend, however, who's only foreign language experience is almost being forced into an arranged marriage in Brazilian Portuguese, pronounced it "swez." Which sounds like something you do in the bathroom after drinking to much Kool-aid.
He needs to Swez

Being in our early twenties, but still having the humor of elementary school children we immediately broke down laughing. Then we kept making jokes about it for about 15 more minutes, each more hilarious than the first.

We even added hand-motions.

Sometimes its good to laugh at "potty" jokes. They really take you back. But who am I kidding? We're in College, were pretty much still a bunch of kids.

Haha, Swez.

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