Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Something smells fishy, ok maybe it just smells like a fart

My roommate farts a lot.

Usually he only does it when he's alone in the room. I know this because I always brace myself before I enter the room like I'm defusing a bomb that might go off at any minute.

But tonight, maybe its because he's having a laid back conversation with me and the suitemate (albeit awkwardly) he was apparently so excited he didn't feel like containing himself.

I'm sitting here trying to keep composure, while trying to forget about the smell. Granted, writing a blog post about it doesn't keep my mind off the smell, but venting about it makes me feel better.

Ha, venting.

I wish.

UPDATE: Roommate leaves to go get laundry. Suit-mate moves over to take his seat. "EUGH! Why is this so warm?!?" I probably should have warned him.

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